Peace, Security, and Global Governance
Task Force 4

This task force focuses on the multifaceted implications and consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other geopolitical tensions, and strives to identify multilateral mechanisms and G7-G20 links to preserve global and regional stability.

Suggested policy brief topics include ways to: (i) promote post-conflict peace keeping, nation building, and economic recovery; (ii) empower women’s participation in peace processes and political discourses; (iii) revamp multilateral organizations and reboot multilateralism to tackle global challenges; (iv) strengthen democracy, rule of law, and good governance worldwide; and (v) tackle traditional and non-traditional security threats in the cyber age.


Antonio Villafranca

Antonio Villafranca

Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI)

Syed Munir Khasru

Syed Munir Khasru

The Institute for Policy, Advocacy and Governance (IPAG)

Jenny Gordon

Jenny Gordon

Centre for Social Research and Methods, Australia National University (ANU)


Riznaldi Akbar

Riznaldi Akbar


Lilian Tan

Lilian Tan



Evelyne Tauchnitz

Evelyne Tauchnitz

Institute of Social Ethics ISE, University of Lucerne

Paul McAllister

Paul McAllister

Global Leaders in Unity and Evolvement

Benson Nyamweno

Benson Nyamweno

Egerton University

Maria Lemberg

Maria Lemberg

Gromadyany Foundation

Shu Fukuya

Shu Fukuya

Johns Hopkins University

Sumbal Javed

Sumbal Javed

National Institutes of Health, Islamabad Pakistan

Magda Lorena Cárdenas

Magda Lorena Cárdenas

Markus Engels

Markus Engels

Global Solutions Initiative

Christian Kastrop

Christian Kastrop

The New Institute

Policy Briefs

Enhancing Global Governance to Safeguard Peace in the Digital Age
Evelyne Tauchnitz

Reshaping the International Order through Human Rights and “Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration” Implementation in Multilateral Organizations
Shu Fukuya, Maria Lemberg, Benson Nyamweno, Paul McAllister

Toward a New Age of Multilateralism
Markus Engels, Christian Kastrop

The Role of Women’s Organizations in the Peace Architecture: A Missing Piece?
Magda Lorena Cárdenas, Sumbal Javed

Issue Papers

Building Comprehensive Global Security: Harnessing the Unexplored G7-G20 Synergy
Jenny Gordon, Syed Munir Khasru, Antonio Villafranca


Think7 Japan Communiqué

Policy Papers

Early Parental Training to Foster Human Capital in Developing Countries
Scott Rozelle, Dorien Emmers

The G20 and the G7 Must Work Together to End Hunger and Promote a Sustainable Future
Shenggen Fan

Policy Priorities to Promote Healthy, Equitable, Resilient, and Sustainable Agri-Food Systems Transformation
Christopher B. Barrett

Towards A More Inclusive G7 Climate Club
Edward B. Barbier