Science and Digitalization for A Better Future
Task Force 3

This task force focuses on science policy bottlenecks that are hindering the potential for scientific advances and digitalization to enhance human capital development, long term economic productivity, and system change.

It seeks to highlight the importance of approaching science and digitalization as international public goods. The task force’s agenda includes cross-border science and innovation policies, multilateral science financing architecture, digital infrastructure investment, digital security, connectivity and interoperability, and the development of frontier technology as a public good in fields such as biotechnology, spatial exploration, and polar research.

Suggested policy brief topics include: (i) the role of science, technology, and innovation in sustainable development and resilience across the G7 and Group of 20 (G20); (ii) cybersecurity and data privacy in a digitally connected world, digital education, and IT literacy and equality; (iii) the potential for science and inclusive methods and transformative innovation to generate sustainable food, water, and land systems at scale; (iv) and intellectual property rights regimes, their assets, and limitations.


Anna-Katharina Hornidge

Anna-Katharina Hornidge

German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

Alyssa Jade McDonald-Baertl

Alyssa Jade McDonald-Baertl

CGIAR System

Edgar Pieterse

Edgar Pieterse

African Centre for Cities


Yixin Yao

Yixin Yao


Daniel Suryadarma

Daniel Suryadarma


Davaatseren (Dashaa) Narmandakh

Davaatseren (Dashaa) Narmandakh


Shengchi Ma

Shengchi Ma


Trang Thu Vu

Trang Thu Vu



Claudia Sadoff

Claudia Sadoff


Bhogendra Mishra

Bhogendra Mishra

Policy Research Institute, Nepal

Joni Jupesta

Joni Jupesta

Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE)

Erika Kraemer-Mbula

Erika Kraemer-Mbula

University of Johannesburg

Shekinah Wenceslao

Shekinah Wenceslao

John Taschek

John Taschek


Jascha Stein

Jascha Stein

People Centered Internet

Leandro Pecchia

Leandro Pecchia

European Scientific Society of Biomedical Engineering, UCBM

Ralf Herbrich

Ralf Herbrich

Hasso Plattner Institute

Steve Crocker

Steve Crocker

Edgemoor Research Institute

Fook Yen Chong

Fook Yen Chong


Shamira Ahmed

Shamira Ahmed

Data Economy Policy Hub

Jeff Adams

Jeff Adams


Vishal Aditya Potluri

Vishal Aditya Potluri


Marta Bertolaso

Marta Bertolaso

Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma

Dio Herdiawan Tobing

Dio Herdiawan Tobing

World Benchmarking Alliance

Dorcas Owino

Dorcas Owino

Lake Hub

Rory Gillis

Rory Gillis

Research Project Support Officer

Charles Martin-Shields

Charles Martin-Shields

German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

Brian King

Brian King


Benedikt Erforth

Benedikt Erforth

German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

Judith A. Chambers

Judith A. Chambers

International Food Policy Research Institute

Jawoo Koo

Jawoo Koo

International Food Policy Research Institute

Justine Luwedde

Justine Luwedde

Makerere University

Ndemo Bitange

Ndemo Bitange

Eileen Murray

Eileen Murray


Anthony Lacavaro

Anthony Lacavaro

People Centered Internet

Peter Taylor

Peter Taylor

Institute of Development Studies

Mei Lin Fung

Mei Lin Fung

People Centered Internet

Policy Briefs

Sustainable and Scalable Food, Water, and Land Systems through Technology, Innovation, and Inclusion
Erika Kraemer-Mbula, Joni Jupesta, Bhogendra Mishra, Claudia Sadoff

Harnessing the Potential—and Mitigating the Risks—of Using Digital Innovation to Build a More Climate-Resilient, Prosperous, and Democratic World
Benedikt Erforth, Brian King, Charles Martin-Shields, Rory Gillis, Dorcas Owino

People-Centered Science and Digital Transformation: A Practical Proposal for the G7 and G20
Mei Lin Fung ,Dio Herdiawan Tobing, Marta Bertolaso, Vishal Aditya Potluri

Intellectual Property Rights Regimes, Their Assets, and Limitations
Justine Luwedde, Peter Taylor, Jawoo Koo, Judith A. Chambers

Issue Papers

Science and Digitalization for a Better Future
Anna-Katharina Hornidge, Alyssa Jade McDonald-Baertl, Edgar Pieterse


Think7 Japan Communiqué

Policy Papers

Early Parental Training to Foster Human Capital in Developing Countries
Scott Rozelle, Dorien Emmers

The G20 and the G7 Must Work Together to End Hunger and Promote a Sustainable Future
Shenggen Fan

Policy Priorities to Promote Healthy, Equitable, Resilient, and Sustainable Agri-Food Systems Transformation
Christopher B. Barrett
Towards A More Inclusive G7 Climate Club
Edward B. Barbier